About Becozon

What We Do

Becozon is the leading online B2B marketplace that connects vendors and services providers across industries. We facilitate engagements and opportunities for businesses to find the right solutions for their needs.

What We Offer

Becozon's sourcing process is fast and easy to understand, making connections seamless with our unique sourcing automation engine.

Search for products or services, compare prices and packages, and contact vendors immediately once the selected vendors have been shortlisted. We simplify processes for both vendors and buyers with our easy-to-use platform to connect with other businesses.

For Vendors: Showcase Your Products and Services with Becozon

Becozon partners with the best companies to make it easy for businesses of all sizes to form lasting business connections.

Be empowered with comprehensive, innovative resources that will help to expand your reach within your industry. Our unique B2B matching system helps companies to increase revenue and take your business to the next level by facilitating connections with potential buyers.

With Becozon, fully showcase your full suite of offerings with a clean and sophisticated presentation of your own storefront. Our fast and secure platform provides a seamless experience for discerning customers, a valuable extension of your own online presence to reach out to ready customers seeking your product or service.

Vendors can provide potential clients with quotations and detailed listings on their customised store page. Conversely, buyers can request for quotations and compare prices easily.

For Purchasers: Get Access to Leading Vendors

Becozon is a one-stop shop for forging partnerships between purchasers and vendors. Get quotations for any product or service from industry-leading companies.

Time is a valuable resource. With Becozon, you can conveniently find vendors for anything you need, compare their offers right away, and make your decision in minutes.

Signing up as a Purchaser is easy and free. With a simple process, get access to curated information about suitable vendors, a platform to streamline your business plans, and vendor-selection support to help your business flourish.

As a buyer, you have an extensive arrany of options to choose from. Plus, all Becozon partners are certified - ensuring that you'll be getting top-quality products and professional service whatever you choose.